Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We love our community and want to serve in a way that spreads the love of God. Cornerstone Church partners with local ministries through giving and serving. There are opportunities to serve communities both here and abroad.
Ministry Partners
Global Team Network - Tim Taylor
Trulight Ministries
Salvation Army
Christ's Table
Uttermost Missions - Mark Roser
Chosen People
Praying Pelican Missions - Tim Alexander
Local FCA
FCA - Joe Summers
Tharp Ministries
Praying Pelican Missions

Join the mission
We are partnered with Praying Pelican Missions (PPM) for mission trip opportunities. We've been to West Virginia, Virginia, Haiti and Michigan, coming alongside local ministries at those locations. Some of the mission work includes community projects such as gardening, painting and construction as well as interacting with children with games or a Biblical lesson. It's a great way to make new connections and serve as God has called us to do!